About us

It all started with a girl who met a guy at work playing in a Survivor themed charity event. That guy stalled for 6 long months before he finally asked her on a first date. After that, the rest is history! Well, kind of. For their real story got exciting once they found out they were pregnant with their first. They experienced love and loss all in that same ultrasound as Kellee was expecting spontaneous triplets; however surprise and shock followed by sadness when they told them that 2 of the 3 were already gone. All that remained was their survivor, Chase Alexander. Less than a year later they found they were pregnant again. You guessed it, another set of spontaneous triplets! What are the odds! Well, 1 in 64 million; that’s what! This time, a second chance at carrying triplets to term and 3 little miracles joined the Briggs Bunch. 

  • All In

    All In

    2024!  How is it already 2024?  They say that life with kids goes by in a blink. I never realized how true that was until I had kids of my own.  Although, I wonder if being a triplet mom if time goes 3 times as fast?  Add in a wild 3 year old and then… Read more

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